Lowell and Hoist Finance

In 2022, Hoist Finance UK Ltd was purchased by Lowell. If you've had a letter from Lowell, we will support you and help you find an affordable way to manage your account.

Lowell and Hoist Finance

Why are Lowell contacting me?

We've purchased your account from Hoist Finance UK and want to work with you to help you manage your account. If you've got any questions you can get in touch with us.

Contact us

Who are Lowell?

Lowell is a debt collection company on a mission to help our customers take control of their debt. We will work with you to find an affordable solution that suits you.

About us

How can Lowell help me?

We understand that everyone's situation is different. We'll give you all the tools and support you need to find a way forward, whatever your circumstances.

Help and support

What's your next step?

If you've received a letter from us, you can get in touch with us or register to manage your account online.

Frequently asked questions

Why has my account been moved over to Lowell?

Lowell now own Hoist Finance UK so your account will be moved over to us. You will be notified by letter when this happens. If you have a direct debit payment plan in place this will stay the same.

Has my account been moved over to Lowell?

Contact us to find out whether your account has been moved to Lowell yet.

Who should I pay now?

If your account has been moved to Lowell you'll need to pay Lowell. If you’re on a direct debit payment plan with Hoist Finance UK this will transfer across to Lowell so you won’t need to do anything. If you want to change your plan please contact us, or register to manage your account online.

What will happen to my credit file?

Once your account has been moved over to Lowell, if your account is being reported with the credit reference agencies we will start to report this instead of Hoist Finance UK.

Complaints data

Your feedback is important to us as it gives us an opportunity to improve. If you’d like to know more about the complaints we receive, you can find out more by visiting our complaints process page.